10 Reasons to Start Running

Runners Experience Many Benefits

By  Updated October 30, 2013


People start running for a variety of reasons.  Some run because they want to lose weight, improve their health, compete in races or try something new.  Whatever your reason is for running, you’ll experience many physical, mental and emotional benefits from the sport.  Here are 10 great reasons to get started with running:
(They forgot to mention the number one reason to start running – is that once you start earning your medals from your races, you can order a Medal Showcase hanger to hang them on…)

1. Running improves your health

Runners in race
One of the biggest benefits of running is that it’s good for your health.  Running is an excellent way to strengthen the heart and ensure the efficient flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body, which helps decrease your risk of a heart attack.  Exercise, combined with maintaining a healthy weight, is one of the best ways to naturally reduce your blood pressure if it’s above normal.  If you have high cholesterol, running can also help keep it in check.  Running also improves your immune system, so your body functions are more effective and efficient at fighting off germs.  Running and other weight-bearing exercises increase bone density, which can fend off osteoporosis.
Man Weighing Himself on Scale

Many people start running to lose some extra pounds.  As one of the most vigorous exercises out there, running is an extremely efficient way to burn calories and lose weight.  If you’re already at a healthy weight, running can help you maintain it.  Just make sure you don’t think running gives you a license to eat anything you want.  The basic rule of weight loss — that you must burn (through life functions and exercise) more calories than you take in — still applies to runners.

3. You can run for a cause

Race for the Cure runners
Running can also be used as a way to contribute to society as a whole.  Many races benefit charities, and some charities offer race training in exchange for fund-raising. Running for something that’s bigger than you is a great way to stay motivated to keep training and can make your races even more meaningful and fulfilling.

4. You can meet new people through running

Two women running

Some runners enjoy the quiet and solitude of running on their own, but others see running time as social opportunities.  Finding a running buddy or running with a group is a great way to develop a sense of community. You can set goals and accomplish them together.  In addition, having a regular running buddy or running group is a great way to stay motivated to run.  Some runners also share advice and motivation with other runners in online forums.  You can meet other people who share your obsession with running, celebrate your triumphs and help you overcome your obstacles.

5. You can experience something new and different

Woman running on the beach
Running is a great way to expand your horizons and break away from the daily grind.  The sport gives people the opportunity to explore areas of their own community or new locations, experience new physical sensations and run places they may not normally see.

6. You can train for a specific goal

Runners in race

Some people hate to exercise just for the sake of exercising, but with running, though, you can train for races, from 5Ks to marathons and beyond.  Training for a race gives you a specific goal to work toward, which can definitely help improve your motivation to run.

7. Running improves your energy levels

Runner outside in fall weather
When you’re feeling sluggish or tired, running is a great way to boost your energy.  Runners who run in the morning report that they have improved energy levels during the day.  Combining running with a healthful diet will help improve your energy levels even more.

8. Running will help you feel good about yourself

Race spectators cheering

Regular runners report an increase in their confidence and self-esteem, and the self-esteem benefits of running are increased if you set a specific goal, such as running a 5K or even a marathon, and accomplish it.

9. Running is versatile and inexpensive

Runners feet
Running requires very little equipment, and it can be done almost anywhere.  All you need is a good pair of running shoes, and you can head out your door to go for a run.  From city sidewalks to wooded trails, there are plenty of places for runners to explore — at no cost.  If you travel a lot, it’s easy to pack your running shoes and run while you’re on the road.

10. Running can help with stress relief

Three women running
Running — as with many forms of exercise — is a great cure for stress, emotional strain and even mild depression.  Research has shown that healthy adults who exercise regularly are generally happier than those who don’t.


Why Cycling is the Greatest Sport in the World

Three ages and three scenarios:

  1. Age 35 – 65: Let’s say “ you’ve arrived” – after switching jobs and questioning your career, finally, in your late 30’s or into your 40’s, 50’s or 60’s+  you come to that odd and sudden realization that money suddenly is no longer the end goal – that you “have enough” to satisfy your needs – though not necessarily your wants.  Meanwhile the questions pile up: “Am I really as old as my age says I am?”  (How did that happen?)  And then a little more subtly, “yes, where did my energy go? – and my waistline?” or, “How can I stay healthy?”
  2. Age 20 – 35: Instead, maybe you are in your 20’s or 30’s – finally “growing up,” finally have a real job and doing well, moving out and moving up, thinking about building a career and a family, fulfilling your potential.  “How can I do all that and still stay in shape?”  “Am I predestined to become yet another doughy pale office professional?”
  3. Age 10 – 20: Finally, lets imagine you have (or are) a grade school or junior high school kid – band, drama, national honor society, soccer, football, track, baseball – so many choices – what activities should you choose?

Let me propose that the activity that is the best answer to all the above questions – and I mean “best” in all its objective and subjective senses – is cycling.  Riding a bike is the single greatest sport in the world.

I can prove it.
“Sure,” you immediately conjecture, “you must be some kind of cycling fanatic, aiming to convert the masses to your biased way of thought.  Besides, who wants to cavort around in spandex and risk their lives in traffic?”  Let’s examine each of the three examples above to determine whether there is any truth to my potential fiction.  Further, let us add that the criteria for the ‘greatest’ is based on the sport’s contribution to health, longevity and happiness.  Let’s work our way forward starting from the youngest age bracket above from 3) Age 10-20: the junior high, high school, or college kid.  Normally soccer, track, football, baseball, or academic pursuits or some combination are the typical achievement oriented activities for this age group.  Rightly so – all of these have a teaming aspects and bring about important developmental opportunities including discipline, social development, and balancing individual performances against team gains.  For most of these activities, true victories and the associated celebrations come about from the performance of the group rather than the individual – a great corollary for the modern workplace.  For all the above reasons, Team sports are a mainstay of youth development programs the world over and provide many valuable lessons.  There is just one huge, glaring problem – team sports for these kids tend to end as soon as high school ends.  For a smaller percentage, it ends in college.  And for that incredibly rare few (1 in 10,000? 1 in 100,000?) it means a few years as a professional.

Regardless, the fundamental flaw of team sports remains the same – they end.  Joe Montana isn’t playing adult league football somewhere and for 99.9% of these talented athletes the result is the same – ‘retirement’.  There is no opportunity to create an extended healthy routine from these kinds of team sports.  If the goal is health, longevity, and happiness, then these sports have a very limited shelf life.

Want to help your junior-high school student have a full, healthy, active life?  Consider individual sports… in particular cycling…

Let us consider the second age bracket,  2): the twenty/thirty-somethings.  Work lunches, late nights, travel and the associated fast foods, Friday night beers and cocktails – all without the active lifestyle and sports of high school and college – including the basic physical activities of walking across campus or playing intramural Frisbee.

Witness the arrival of the second ‘freshman 15’ weight gain.  Team sports may still be an option – and if you are single – they may still be the best option: find a league dominated by the opposite sex and you’ve got a surefire way to potentially ensure continued reproductive health (and the motivation to continue it.)

Sooner or later though, the odds are you’ll settle down – and suddenly 3 hour softball games a couple of nights a week with single girls in short shorts and tight t-shirts, combined with post game rituals of pitchers of beer after the game may not fly so well with your fiancé – and definitely not with your pregnant wife even if you are both part of the league.  And, seriously – is swatting an oversized ball and jogging a few bases really an equal balance to the beer, shots, hamburgers and brats?

At this point, running might seem the best option – easy to do anywhere, no equipment other than shoes and shorts – even city living presents no serious obstacle.  That is, until the first injury… Lots of 20/30 somethings decide to train for marathons – often with the doubly noble goals of getting fit and accomplishing a difficult task, as well as raising money for charity.  However, there is a significant downside.  According to several studies, running a marathon can create irreparable damage to bones and tendons.  Even if an injury isn’t serious, a sidelined ‘occasional’ runner may well lose weeks or months of activity while recovering, and will likely be more cautious in the future.*

(*sidenote – in 31 years of cycling I’ve never had an injury that kept me from riding, and indeed, all injuries were from crashing – not from the actual activity of pedaling).

Finally, 1): the productive 35/40/50/60+ year old.  No longer in the full bloom of youth where muscle pulls are rare and bodies recover quickly, these maturing adults, professionals, teachers, factory workers, working mothers and fathers etc. still need exercise.  Indeed it is more imperative than ever for success in work, family – in life – to reduce stress and increase productivity, as well as to manage weight and blood pressure: heart disease is the number one killer of adults in the USA.

Running remains a temptation – but becomes more and more fraught with injury perils with the exception of those naturally birdlike lightweight athletes whose frames can withstand the pounding.

Now those other team sports – softball, racquetball, tennis, football etc. become more and more untenable – either from a schedule standpoint – or from an injury standpoint.  In the modern office workplace it seems that a majority of casts and splints are a result of one of these sports – the sudden twists, sideways movements, stops and starts – these begin to push the limits of the aging musculature and thinning bones.

So… whats left?

Surfing and downhill skiing may actually be the perfect combination of “flow” activities that are seasonal and sustainable, but lets be fair to the other 98% of Americans that don’t live near surf and mountains.  What remains for the majority are swimming, cross country skiing, walking, and cycling.  All of these are low impact sports and tend to be relatively injury free.  Each has their limitations – lets start with swimming.  For some dedicated few water rats that don’t mind being in a liquid habitrail with no sights and no sounds, swimming may be the perfect addiction – safe, all muscles used, aerobic, no impact – an excellent choice assuming you live near a gym with a pool that has lanes available and you don’t mind all of those other limitations.

How about cross country skiing?  Potentially the ‘perfect sport’ for winter – scenery, low impact, all muscles, strength, power, speed, and aerobic conditioning – it also requires… snow.  Not exactly year round.

So we are left with walking and cycling.  Walking is amazingly healthful – a long walk burns fat, strengthens muscles, improves coordination, and gets oneself outside (weather permitting) to bring in that other significant contributor to health and reduced stress – nature.

That said, walking feels a bit mundane for many – and because it limits output, is necessarily a low aerobic exercise – very difficult to approach aerobic thresholds or test oneself.

Finally – we are left with cycling.  An interesting side-note here: guess what, according to several recent polls, is the number one preferred leisure activity for adult Americans?  No – it’s not cycling, running, skiing, swimming, baseball, golf, soccer or football.

It is ‘going for a drive.’ Americans love their roads and their native invention the automobile.

Cycling is low impact – the smooth rotation of the pedals causes few injuries.  Cycling is both aerobic, as well as anaerobic – the body is naturally stressed to accompany the needs to accelerate, shift gears, climb hills.  The fat burning characteristics of low aerobic efforts like walking are enabled during flat steady efforts, but this is complemented by the muscle and bone building anaerobic strength exercises caused by accelerations, stop signs and hills.  Cycling provides the perfect balance of aerobic, strength, and aesthetic activities in one form.

So… there you have it – for teens, an individual sport like cycling creates a lifelong skill and interest that will increase their lifespan and happiness.  For twenty-somethings it can replace time consuming team sports or injury prone activities like running, and for the rest of us 30+ athletes, cycling provides a low impact sport that burns fat, builds bone and muscle and serves as a non-sedentary surrogate for the #1 US pastime of ‘going for a drive.’

But all that is a lot of data – let me end with two stories:

Story 1: When I was growing up – as a young teen – there was a guy in my cycling club named TJ Hill that led a lot of the rides where I grew up in Detroit.  He was sort of ageless – lean, muscular, and incredibly strong.  On club rides he would take the lead for long stretches and we would all draft off his strong legs and amazing endurance.

I went to college over 20 years ago and never moved back to Michigan.  Nonetheless a couple years back I joined the email newsletter of my old cycling club in Detroit – the “Wolverine Sports Club” and lo and behold, TJ was still leading rides and a key figure in the club.

For the last couple of years I continued to read about his exploits without much thought – “that’s TJ” I thought.  It never really occurred to me that TJ could have aged in the process.

It wasn’t until I read a ‘race result’ from a 100 mile tour/race in Northern Michigan a couple summers ago that it brought home the legacy I had always observed but never comprehended growing up.  Those ‘ageless’ guys leading the rides?  They weren’t 20 or 30 something athletes – they were 40/50/60 somethings continuing to practice their craft.

The race result I read?  1st in the 70 – 75 year old category – TJ Hill.  100 miles: time?  4 hours and 17 minutes.  73 years old and he averaged over 23 mph for 100 miles.  TJ is now 75 and rode 12,313 miles last year (yes – that’s nearly 40 miles a day, every single day).  He just got back from a two month training camp in Alabama where rode 58 days straight and averaged 67 miles every day.

Sure – he’s a freak – an anomaly of nature to do so much and do it so fast.  But do this – go to a charity cycling event or a century ride – you’ll be amazed at the number of healthy older individuals out making their mark and helping others.

Story 2: This one is simple.  Think back to when you were a teen or maybe a young twenty something.  Remember how you used to skip stairs, or bounce down them?  Sometimes you’d take them 3 at a time, and with a good rhythm seek to skip and reach for the 4th stair?  Remember sprinting all out to chase the dog or a Frisbee or having the control while running to leap high in the air off a stump or curb?  Remember that confidence, quickness and coordination?  (And lack of fear?)

I turned 40 in August.  I’ve been a cyclist for 32 seasons.  Today I skipped 3 steps (and considered a reach for the 4th) on my way chasing my 7 year old daughter up the stairs.  Sometimes in the winter, when work overwhelms and riding in the gym or on trainer becomes a bit boring and lags, I’ll start to feel my age, walking flat-footed, clearing the cobwebs from my back when bringing things up from the basement – but I’ll tell you this: with the cycling season back in full swing and being back outside riding and enjoying the spring air almost every day – my youth is still here.  I pad lightly around the house on the balls of my feet with a spring to my step no different than when I was 19, and when I tense my leg muscles to chase my daughter or my dog out in the lawn – it is still with a burst of furious speed that pursue her giggles and flailing tresses.

It’s hard to describe, but after a good hard ride, you’ll never feel more alive:

THAT’s why cycling is the single best sport in the world
– because you can experience runner’s high without running – and see the world around you while doing it.


Being Proud of Accomplishments

Visualize the accomplishment of your everyday goals, and praise yourself each day for your hard work; never let a day pass without glorifying yourself for your achievements.  Anonymous

Being Proud of Accomplishments

Do you remember the last race you completed, that made you feel totally excited and thrilled with the fact that you had completed the race?  What did it feel like?  Can you see yourself smiling thinking about the race, the finish, the camaraderie with your fellow competitors?  Were you so happy you couldn’t wait to tell your family and friends around you about your race, the thrill of finishing, of maybe even meeting your expectations with regards to time, effort and endurance?  The feeling is sometimes so amazing it could get addictive (which is why when the race bug has bitten, you suddenly find yourself competing in more and more races).

Being proud of your accomplishments as an athlete is truly what it is all about.  You’ve trained, worked hard, sacrificed time and effort in order to achieve your goal, whether it be the Transbaviaans cycle race, the Comrades or Two Ocean’s or the local Colour Runs that took place in most cities across South Africa.

Your emotions at these events can define your experience of the event, and the excitement at completing – and even the disappointment of bailing, when need be – can be the catalyst for entering another event, or like my hubby, doing the Transbaviaans the first time and coming home with a bruised knee and ankle and having to use crutches for a few weeks after that was a weak deterrent (and probably more a catalyst) to him starting six and completing five Transbaviaans Races since then.

Pride is an emotion that gives tremendous value to your achievements as an athlete.  It is an emotion that energizes, offering a benefit in the present, and that motivates, a boost for the future.  Pride can carry a positive energy from your past, giving value to your achievements encouraging you to go for it – againAnd again.  In addition, pride allows others to share in your joy, providing you with tremendous support from loved-ones who will be accompanying you and encouraging you when you decide to enter another race.  And the best place for you to review what you have achieved, to see what you have accomplished and to garner encouragement from fellow athletes, family and friends, is by displaying your medals on a Medal Showcase hanger.  To show others and to remind yourself of what you have accomplished – and what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.

I think you will agree, being proud of your accomplishments is a good feeling!

Whether it be cycling, mountain biking, running, trail running and even the martial arts, we have a Medal Showcase hanger just for you.  If you don’t see a design that you like, or you are looking for something specific, contact us for a quote.

We can be contact via our Facebook page @Medalshowcase, or via our website at www.medalshowcase.co.za.

Remember, our competition to win an additional medal bar when making a purchase through Facebook or via our website.  Competition closes at month end, and the winner will be announced on Friday, 04th October…

Good luck.  For the races, and for the competition… 🙂







